Tuesday 18 June 2013

Parliament of India

These 2 documents quite comprehensively cover issues related to the Indian Parliament. One has been made by me from various sources while other is a document of the Rajya Sabha secretariat. Hope you find these useful.

Parliament Notes by divyamittalias

Parliament of India by divyamittalias


  1. Thanks a lot Divya for sharing. These would definitely help us grasp the intricacies of epitome of Indian Democracy :).

  2. thr a way toppers prepare notes(shrewd),could u plz tell how went abt making notes(for applied cuurent affairs )...so tht v can benefit frm tht....
    which all blogs to refer..
    news paper

  3. Excellent job ! and Congratulations on your success

  4. Hello Divya,Congratulations for your fab performance ! How is the Vision IAS for test series?


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